Archive for the ‘Media’ Category


E totul setat, se va intampla la final de 2017, inceput de 2018:

TV will account for 38.4 percent of the $503 billion global ad market this year and will drop to 38 percent of the market in 2016, according to the forecast.

In the meantime, digital media will continue its meteoric rise. Digital ad spending will grow 17.2 percent this year, to nearly $160 billion, and 13.5 percent in 2016, and is expected to overtake TV as the biggest advertising category by the end of 2017, the forecast says.

Publicis Groupe’s ZenithOptimedia expects digital media to pass TV in 2018.

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Un investitor CME cere vanzarea companiei

An activist shareholder is one using an equity stake in a corporation to put public pressure on its management.[1] The goals of activist shareholders range from financial (increase of shareholder value through changes in corporate policy, financing structure, cost cutting, etc.) to non-financial (disinvestment from particular countries, adoption of environmentally friendly policies, etc.).[2] The attraction of shareholder activism lies in its comparative cheapness; a fairly small stake (less than 10% of outstanding shares) may be enough to launch a successful campaign. In comparison, a full takeover bid is a much more costly and difficult undertaking. Sursa

A aparut primul activist investor pentru CME, compania care detine in Romania statiile Protv: Eric Semler, managerul TCS Capital Management, cel mai mare actionar minoritar de la CME, cu o participatie de 10.9%.

Semler, desi multumit de felul in care CME e condusa, este nemultumit de pretul actiunilor si a cerut public angajarea unui consultant financiar pentru vanzarea companiei. El crede ca singura solutie pentru cresterea „stockului” este vanzarea companiei care ar fi suficient de atractiva tinand cont de pozitia in Europa Centrala si de Est + faptul ca detine pozitia de lider in Cehia si Romania.

CME este detinuta in proportie de 45.2% (dar cu 49.4% din voturi) de catre Time Warner dar are printre actionari si 65 de hedge funds.

In acest moment capitalizarea pe bursa a CME este sub 300 milioane USD, o evaluare mica daca tinem cont ca doar televiziunile Pro valoreaza probabil +/- 300 milioane USD, insa compania are datorii 1 miliard USD pentru care plateste anual 150 milioane USD dobanda.


Tweetul diminetii

To clickbait or not to clickbait

This is the question.

Studiu de caz pe Voetbal International, un site olandez despre fotbal:

– in martie au decis sa reduca cu o treime cele 140 milioane pagini generate lunar

– motivul: „to ensure it runs fewer, better-quality ads”

– rezultatul?

By upping the overall quality of inventory on which advertisers can bid in real-time auction environments, it no longer gets “lousy” ads coming through on its sites, and advertisers are willing to pay higher rates for better, albeit fewer, impressions

Asta se cheama sa ai o strategie.


Google vs facebook, faza pe conversii

Cresc investitiile clientilor in facebook, cresc si conversiile?

For example, type “Cheap tickets to Rome, December 24” into Google and it means you’re looking to buy tickets. On Facebook or other social networks, however, few people show that sort of intent, because they’re not searching those sites for travel deals. With Facebook, a user could mention Rome, but that doesn’t mean they’re flying there on December 24. Ultimately, would like to work with other partners to find ad products that pull that sort of specificity.

Sursa:, largest Google advertiser: Facebook hasn’t ‘cracked the code’ on direct response

Rezultate Facebook, Q3 2015

– Venituri in crestere, 41%, enorm, de la 3.2 miliarde USD la 4.5 miliarde USD

– 3.4 miliarde USD, adica 78%!!! sunt generate de mobil

– 896 milioane USD profit, in crestere cu 11%

– Costurile au crescut cu 68%

– 2.5 milioane advertiseri in Septembrie, mai mult cu 25% fata de februarie

– 1.55 miliarde useri

– Un utilizator din SUA si Canada genereaza, in medie, 10.49 USD per trimestru, media globala este de 2.97 USD

– 8 miliarde vizualizari de video pe zi

Ultima reduta

The Interpublic-owned media buying and research firm projects digital media in the U.S. will overtake television as the biggest media category next year—a year earlier than previously expected – with $66 billion in revenue. That shift is a “powerful symbol” for the future of the U.S. ad market, said Magna Global’s director of global forecasting, Vincent Letang. Digital media is already the biggest media type in several Western European countries as well as in China.

De aici.

PS. Ieri am avut o discutie cu un client care-mi spunea ca bugetul de digital a ajuns deja la 40% din total buget. In ro. Client care consuma si tv.

NYTimes @ 1 milion abonati online

This week, The Times is celebrating a breakthrough: We recently passed one million digital-only subscribers, giving us far more than any other news organization in the world. We have another 1.1 million print-and-digital subscribers, so that in total, we have more subscribers than at any time in our 164-year history.

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Blocarea reclamelor, faza pe ISP

„(Digicel is) deploying ad control technology at the network level on its networks across the globe to ensure a better experience for customers and to encourage the likes of Google, Facebook and Yahoo to help connect the 4.2 billion unconnected people across the globe. Ad control technology benefits both consumers and network operators alike. With ads using up as much as 10% of a customers’ data plan allowance, this move will allow customers to browse the mobile web and apps without interruption from unwanted advertising messages.”

What sweethearts. Of course, the notice then proceeds to make it clear what this is really about. And that’s Digicel and billionaire owner Denis O’Brien’s belief that they are owed a cut of content company ad revenue simply because content company traffic touches their network:

„Companies like Google, Yahoo and Facebook talk a great game and take a lot of credit when it comes to pushing the idea of broadband for all – but they put no money in. Instead they unashamedly trade off the efforts and investments of network operators like Digicel to make money for themselves. That’s unacceptable, and we as a network operator, are taking a stand against them to force them to put their hands in their pockets and play a real role in improving the opportunities for economic empowerment for the global population.”” 

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Business Insider preluat de Axel Springer

343 milioane USD a platit grupul german Axel Spinger pentru a prelua 88% din actiunile ceea ce inseamna o evaluare de ~ 450 milioane USD. Nemtii mai detineau 9% ceea ce inseamna ca au ajuns la 97%, diferenta de 3% fiind in posesia lui Jeff Bezos. O combinatie interesanta.

Axel Springer e prezent indirect in Romania prin parteneriatul cu Ringier (de fapt e un joint venture in Europa de Est, Romania fiind singura tara in care nemtii nu au intrat inca).

Ca sa recapitulam principalele investitii in media din ultimii doi ani:

1. Bezos cumpara Washington Post pentru 250 milioane USD

2. Andreessen Horowitz investeste 50 milioane USD in Buzzfeed la o evaluare de 850 milioane USD

3. Vice Media sunt evaluati la 2.5 miliarde USD dupa o investitie de 500 milioane USD

4. Comcast (care detine NBC) investeste 200 milioane USD in Vox Media, la o evaluare de aproximativ 1 miliard USD

5. Nikkei plateste 1.3 miliarde USD pentru FT

6. a fost evaluata la 400 milioane dolari de o investitie a celor de la Andreessen Horowitz

7. BusinessInsider e preluat de Axel Springer la o evaluare de 450 milioane USD