Archive for iunie, 2014
vineri, iunie 27th, 2014The 5 main insights at a glance:
1. One-third of journalists said social media posts are not a reliable source of information. Despite this, half of journalists said social media were their main source of information.
2. Remarkably, half of journalists said they consider consumer opinion to be more reliable than a statement by an organisation. Journalists use social media to find out what people are talking about and when writing articles, but do not always check whether public opinion is based on facts.
3. Fact-checking has become less thorough; ‘publish first, correct if necessary’ is the motto these days. Only 20% of journalists always check their facts before publishing. Almost half of journalists said they published most of their stories as quickly as possible to correct later if necessary. PR professionals also noted that since the arrival of social media journalists are getting in contact less frequently to check facts.
4. Journalists (60%) said they feel less bound by journalistic rules on social media than with traditional media such as a newspaper article. They act differently on social media than in traditional media, sharing their personal opinion more openly on social media, despite the fact that journalists are seen as being objective and reporters of news facts relating to events of general importance.
5. Dutch PR professionals are lagging behind compared to their international counterparts. In the Netherlands the focus lies on sending out news, while internationally more attention is devoted to dialogue and direct contact with journalists and consumers via social media.
The 5 main expectations for the future
1. Journalists expect less fact-checking to be done in the future. Conversely the role of crowd-checking, whereby the public’s opinion is used and accepted as being true, will grow in importance.
2. User-generated content, such as tweets and pictures or videos from bystanders, is already widely used in news and is expected to grow further.
3. Dutch PR professionals will stage a catch-up as they reduce their focus on sending out releases and concentrate more on engaging in dialogue and building relations.
4. Journalists expect journalism to be driven by clicks and views more than by content.
5. PR professionals expect their contact with consumers to intensify with increasingly less involvement of journalists, now that they have the ability to approach the target group directly and engage in dialogue with them.
Publish first, correct later if necessary
With 45% of journalists putting out 60% to 100% of what they publish as soon as possible – without checking facts – and correct later if necessary, “publish first and correct later” seems to be the new motto.
Facebook vs Twitter
joi, iunie 26th, 2014Sau 11 milioane vs 50,000
Engagement on 11 Million Fans Vs 50,000 Followers, same post, same time. – Facebook Organic Reach is 100% Dead.
— RHYS HILLMAN (@rhyshillman) June 25, 2014
Grupul FlorideLux a atras în ac?ionariat Mediafax Group ?i BAC Investment Banking
miercuri, iunie 25th, 2014In caz ca nu ati aflat deja:
Astfel, Mediafax Group ?i BAC Investment Banking controleaz? împreun? 35% din business-ul FlorideLux, care opereaz? magazinele online,,,, dar ?i flor?riile offline FlorideLux.
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marți, iunie 24th, 2014
1/1950's + 1960's + 1970's + 1980's + early 1990's view of computer technology = "Nerds!"
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 24, 2014
2/Late 1990's view of computer technology = "Everyone will get rich!"
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 24, 2014
3/2001's view of computer technology = "The nerds screwed us!"
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 24, 2014
4/2003's view of computer technology = "We knew those nerds were wrong all along!"
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 24, 2014
5/2009's view of computer technology = "Those nerds are completely out of ideas!"
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 24, 2014
6/2013's view of computer technology = "Those nerds and all their crazy ideas are going to destroy all the jobs!"
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 24, 2014
7/And now = "Those nerds are completely out of ideas again, and now they're having sex too!"
— Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) June 24, 2014
Ce salarii mai sunt prin digital
luni, iunie 23rd, 2014La ei:
– Big data analysts now command salaries ranging between $90,000 and $125,000
– Lead generation specialists fetch between $98,000 and $140,000
– Directors of e-commerce earn between $100,000 and $166,000.
– Chief digital officers ranging from $148,000 to $280,000
– Chief marketing technologists earned $140,000 to $241,000
– Directors of creative services earned $75,000 to $175,000
– Directors of digital marketing earned $128,000 to $190,000
– Digital content strategists earned $80,000 to $125,000.
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Focus :)
vineri, iunie 20th, 2014
Love what Amazon has done with the home screen, everything is so easy now!
— jeffiel (@jeffiel) June 19, 2014
„Decat” 50 milioane euro
marți, iunie 17th, 2014Retailerul online de îmbr?c?minte ?i accesorii Fashion Days Shopping SRL, prezent pe pia?a din România ?i în alte opt ??ri europene, controlat din anul 2011 de grupul Naspers din Africa de Sud, a raportat anul trecut o cifr? de afaceri de 48,6 mil. euro – în cre?tere cu 16%, ?i un profit net de 2,6 mil. euro fa?? de o pierdere de 122.000 de euro în anul precedent, conform datelor de la Ministerul Finan?elor.
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Daca ne uitam ca pe IT urmatorul dupa eMag @ 188 milioane este la 25 mil euro inseamna ca FashionDays ar fi al doilea retailer online din .ro dupa cifra de afaceri? Da, stiu, inglobeaza si vanzari din alte tari, Romania fiind hub, totusi, cred ca vand in .ro mai mult de 25 mil euro, cat au cei de la Pareri? De notat ca si eMag si FD sunt detinute de Naspers (75% respectiv 100%).
2 ani de
vineri, iunie 13th, 2014Nici nu stiu cand au trecut, i-am sarbatorit ieri cu un sold out:
Radu Apostolescu pleaca de la eMag dupa 13 ani
marți, iunie 10th, 2014Radu este unul dintre cei 3 fondatori ai eMag-ului, practic cel mai vizibil si cel care s-a identificat in toti acesti 13 ani cu cel mai mare magazin din online-ul romanesc. Si singurul care a ramas in business dupa achizitia Naspers.
Cred ca schimbarea vine intr-un moment foarte bun pentru toata lumea. eMAG este pe varful valului, pregatit sa treaca la etapa cu adevarat mare, multinationala. Si toate astea nu in versiunea rece a definitiei corporatiei clasice, ci cu un spirit foarte proaspat care pune in valoare evolutia personala a fiecarui membru al echipei. Personal, mai cred ca pentru dimensiunea actuala si cea catre care se indreapta rapid e nevoie de oameni cu alta structura, cel putin fata de a mea. Le multumesc si le sunt recunoscator colegilor de la eMAG alaturi de care am trait niste ani fantastici.
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Newspapers vs Internet publishing
marți, iunie 10th, 2014
A tale of two technologies. Newspaper vs internet publishing. Taken from this amazing graphic
— Henry Taylor (@henryctaylor) June 5, 2014