Archive for decembrie, 2013

„Take your time. You can’t beat life.”*

2013, ce an! CE AN! Cu siguranta nu unul banal, cu siguranta un an care nu va fi sters usor din memorie. Tinand cont de ce am inceput sa lucram in acest an, ne uitam la un 2014 mai bun, pe care vom incepe sa-l construim de maine. Va multumesc ca ati trecut pe aici anul acesta, va astept si la anul, sper sa gasiti motive sa o faceti, si va urez la multi ani, sa aveti un an bun!


* „Take your time. You can’t beat life.” Werner Vogels, CTO, Amazon

Sursa foto

A Googler

Via Vivi:


Twitter @ 385 x ebitda

Valoarea unei actiuni Twitter este astazi, conform ultimei inchideri, +$73, adica cu +66% mai mult decat cei $44 cu care s-a inchis prima zi de tranzactionare, in 7 noiembrie. Asta inseamna ca Twitter se tranzactioneaza la 385 multiplu de ebitda!

Pentru comparatie:

– Apple e la x8 ebitda
– Amazon e la 28 ebitda
– Facebook e la 24 ebitda

From Italy, with love

Italy’s Parliament today passed a new measure on web advertising, the so-called “Google tax,” which will require Italian companies to purchase their Internet ads from locally registered companies, instead of from units based in havens such as Ireland, Luxembourg and Bermuda.

In July, at the request of the Group of 20 nations, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development proposed a blueprint to fight strategies used by companies such as Google Inc. (GOOG), Apple Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO) to shift taxable profits into havens. Italy is the first major European government to pass legislation to combat the problem of moving corporate taxable earnings into havens, which costs Europe and the U.S. over $100 billion a year, since the OECD proposal.

Italy’s measure is “fairly obviously contrary to EU law,” said Sol Picciotto, an emeritus professor of law at Lancaster University in the U.K. Still, he said the law “will put further pressure on the OECD to sort it out.” The OECD isn’t scheduled to complete its plan until the end of 2015.

Italy Approves ‘Google Tax’ on Internet Companies

Via Bogdan

+500 miliarde USD

The internet is now the world’s second-largest ad medium. It rocketed past newspapers in 2013 into the No. 2 spot, behind TV. As recently as 2005, the internet ranked sixth in global ad media, behind TV, newspapers, magazines, radio and outdoor. The internet in 2013 captured 20.6% of 2013 global ad spending (21.7% in the U.S.). In 2016, ZenithOptimedia expects the internet to account for 26.6% of global spending (30.7% in the U.S.).



Un sfat bun

Any advice for young journalists entering the industry?

I would tell them quality over quantity, which is one of the biggest sins on the web, particularly today. I would tell them that it is enormously important to earn the readers’ trust by being ethical, another problem that some websites are guilty of. I would tell them to keep in mind who your reader is. Never talk down to that reader.

De aici

Not from television

@asymco: over the past 15 years, all of the gains for online advertising have come at the expense of print and radio and not from television

Intrebarea finalului de an

Cand va intra Amazon in .ro? Pareri? :)

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