Archive for februarie, 2014


Sa mai si laudam, cand merita:

One of the most frustrating experiences for any publisher is discovering that someone not only has copied your content but outranks you on Google for searches related to that content. Now, Google seems to have heard the complaints and has launched a tool to help.

Called the Google Scraper Report, it was announced by the head of Google’s web spam team Matt Cutts on Twitter:

The Google Scraper Report form doesn’t promise any immediate fix — or any fix at all. Rather, it simply asks people to share their original content URL, the URL of the content taken from them and the search results that triggered the outranking.

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Later update: :)

Ce echipa!

Vivi and the team, just take a look. Asteptam produsul :)

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Ambele despre tranzactia de ieri:

Opt despre achizitia WhatsApp de catre Facebook

1. La 19 miliarde USD (16 + 3) este cea mai mare tranzactie ce implica playeri de internet de la deal-ul AOL – Time Warner. Care s-a intamplat in 2000, adica acum 14 ani.

2. Este o tranzactie defensiva pentru Facebook, la fel ca si Instagramul. Explicabila cand aproape 50% din business e generat de mobile, explicabila tinand cont ca Facebook vrea sa domine aplicatiile mobile si tot ce inseamna „messaging”.


4. Facebook a platit aproape 10% din valoarea sa pe WhatsApp. E mult? Posibil dar daca ne uitam la punctul 3, Facebook a platit 10% din valoare pe aplicatia mobila cu cea mai mare crestere si pe un business (pentru ca are un model de revenue) care are sanse mari sa atinga 1 miliard de useri mai repede decat a facut-o Facebook. E mult? Posibil daca ne uitam la venituri, s-a platit un multiplu de x950 din venituri. Putin daca ne uitam ca cei de la WhatsApp au avut o strategie de crestere si nu s-au concentrat pe monetizare. E mult? Posibil daca ne uitam ca s-au platit +40 de dolari pentru fiecare user de la WhatsApp. Putin, daca ne uitam ca fiecare user de pe Facebook este „evaluat” la +140 dolari.

5. Sunt +450 milioane de useri pe WhatsApp, aproape jumatate din cati are Facebook, iar +300 milioane dintre ei sunt activi zilnic.

6. Facebook a cumparat si o echipa de ingineri/programatori remarcabila, 32, adica ~ 14 milioane useri/programator.

7. Exista un downside in toata aceasta tranzactie, WhatsApp a aparut si a crescut rezolvand o problema majora, costul mare al sms-ului/datelor (mai ales in roaming sau intre persoane aflate in tari diferite), cost care in timp nu a scazut (la sms) desi cantitatea de mesaje „schimbata” zilnic a crescut mult in ultimii ani. Estimarile vorbesc de 27 miliarde mesaje transmise zilnic pe WhatsApp, cam cat se trimit in toate retelele de telefonie la un loc. E posibil ca aceasta „gaura” lasata de playerii din telecom sa fie „astupata” in perioada urmatoare prin generalizarea pachetelor gen „all you can sms” ceea ce ar duce la renuntarea folosirii WhatsApp.

8. WhatsApp la 19 miliarde USD inseamna sau ar trebui sa insemne o valoarea mai mare pentru BlackBerry (care are vreo 80 milioane useri de BBM si are o capitalizare de +4 miliarde USD) sau Apple (care are cateva miliarde de iMessage-uri pe zi).

It’s analytics, stupid!

I think right now Netflix does have a competitive advantage over HBO because of the analytics,” Adgate said.

Networks like HBO still rely, on large part, on Nielsen data. But the information Netflix gets is much more textured, granular… and valuable.

„And I think that’s where television and streaming video is headed – but I think right now streaming video is in the lead,” Adgate said. That said, he added, it’s just a matter of time before HBO and other premium channels catch up.

De aici: What happens at Netflix when House of Cards goes live

Si apropo de House of Cards, pe va fi disponibil sezonul 2 din House of Cards din 20 februarie. Toate cele 13 episoade + Sezonul 1.

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Despre achizitia TimeWarner Cable (numarul 2) de catre Comcast (numarul 1) –> Comcast va avea +/- 50% din piata americana de cablu:

Milo Medin = Head of Google Fiber

De ce valoreaza RCS-RDS spre 2 miliarde euro

Later update: Precizare de la Moise Guran:

eu n-am spus asa si nici n-am stiut ca un redactor care ma suna va face un articol pornind de la raspunsul meu. m-a intrebat ce parere am de intrarea digi 24 in must carry si am spus ca am o parere buna. apoi intrebat de profitabilitatea digi 24 am spys ca nu se pune problema, atata timp cat nu are venituri si, am continuat, ca si digiworld si digisport a fost inventat ca sa poata face un pachet mai bun la un eventual exit. pe cati bani? nu stiu, zic, dar la ce credite are rcs sub 1 mld de euro nu ar fi profitabil sa-l dea.


Din cauza imprumuturilor, patronul RCS&RDS, Zoltan Teszari, cauta un cumparator pentru intregul sau business, pentru care cere un pret de peste 1 miliard de euro, potrivit lui Moise Guran.

“RCS&RDS este ok ca business, dar daca te imprumuti si iar te imprumuti va trebui sa faci un exit”, considera Moise Guran.

De aici

Da, e posibil ca Teszari si restul actionarilor sa vanda cu 1 miliard daca acest miliard e cash out pentru ei si cumparatorul isi asuma datoriile care sunt de +800 milioane euro. Pentru ca valoarea RCS-RDS este mai mare de 1 miliard euro, este spre 2 miliarde euro.

De ce?

Trecand peste clasicele capitalizare pe bursa, multiplu de venituri/ebitda, valoarea unei companii mai e data si de tranzactiile similare facute in domeniu, in piete din regiune. In cazul nostru, ultima tranzactie „prin zona” a fost cumpararea de catre KKR – atentie, fond de investitii, deci ei au cumparat ca sa creasca si sa vanda unui strategic in 3-5 ani – a celui mai mare cablist din Serbia, SBB.

Cand? Octombrie anul trecut.
Cati clienti are SBB? 1.5 milioane, Serbia + alte tari din fosta Yugoslavie.
Care a fost suma platita? 1 miliard euro.

Acum, luati RCS-RDS, luati pietele pe care activeaza, luati clientii pe fiecare piata si faceti regula de trei simpla cu valoarea tranzactie din Serbia si veti afla valoarea RCS-RDS. De fapt luati doar piata din .ro unde au +3 milioane clienti si sunt lideri de piata, ignorati Ungaria si Cehia, analizati doar pe .ro. Cat va da? :)

Cine va castiga :)

„The question is whether traditional content companies will win the game because they have learned how to use technology or whether the technology companies win because they learn how to create content,” Mr. Döpfner said. „That is the great game today.”

Mathias Döpfner, CEO Axel Springer, de aici

„Google doesn’t have partners”

Matt Cutts, Google’s long term public face, was fairly clear saying „Google doesn’t have partners,” recently at an event we both spoke at.

It’s a blank stare Google executives give you when you express a concern, as if you’re talking to someone who doesn’t speak one word of your language.

Anyone who has Google as a partner knows this stare.

Google only sees you as a partner when they need you to run their ads or they need your content to draw in advertisers. When you need help, Google says “we don’t have partners!”

That’s why folks are so frustrated with Google, and I see that tipping over into hate more and more often. The people I meet who run Machinima, Maker and other major YouTube partners exhibit outright hate for YouTube.

That’s bad news for Google.

In fact, it’s fairly clear to this executive, who has been working with Google since Day One, that Google thinks of content creators–artists–as this necessary evil to put their ads next to.

They don’t really respect us since they won everything. If they did, they would listen to our needs and think about making their platform sustainable.

They don’t listen any more really (that is, unless you need help implementing their advertising technology).

Have a question on how to optimize your ads? They’re all ears!

Have a question about the revenue split, making your business sustainable or why you were replaced in search results by their service (see Yelp v. Zagat)? Google Death Glare!

De aici.

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