Tu ce faci cu cookie-urile mele?

Una clasica, o intelege cine se pricepe:

Well, and NBC, which was one of our investors, had a dinner and we each stood up and said a few words. But we were seated next to the head of this advertising company, who said to me something like, „Well, I really always liked AllThingsD and in your first week I think Recode’s produced some really interesting stuff.” And I said, „Great, so you’re going to advertise there, right? Or place ads there.” And he said, „Well, let me just tell you the truth. We’re going to place ads there for a little bit, we’re going to drop cookies, we’re going to figure out who your readers are, we’re going to find out what other websites they go to that are way cheaper than your website and then we’re gonna pull our ads from your website and move them there.

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2 Comentarii
  1. vali spune:


  2. Cornel spune:

    asta-i furt de fapt, vestitul data leakage sau audience snatching, mai old school :D
    dar cum sa mergi la publisheri romani sa-i sfatuiesti sa faca un cookie policy cu agentiile de media? cum? cand agentiile de media vor coduri direct in site pentru „a masura audienta” :)) iar publisherii accepta tacuti pentru o campanie de 2k. Mai nou agentiile de media au ‘companii-surori-de birou’ care fac publisher consultancy :)). Am ras mult.

    desi e o problema generala la care inca se cauta solutii, asta nu inseamna ca nu poti reduce maxim pierderile. In primul rand trebuie scos tot ce inseamna tag direct in site, mare atentie la extensiile de share sau alte tooluri oferite ‘pe gratis’. Apoi, unele sspuri si dmpuri au module/bots proprii care monitorizeaza regulat tagurile de creatives si avertizeaza in caz de piggybacking suspicios.

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