Archive for ianuarie, 2014

Consolidare in zona „groupoanelor”

Grupul Kolektiva, care cuprinde platformele de e-commerce ale Rebate Networks (Germania), va intra în ac?ionariatul Zumzi SRL Târgu-Mure?, firma care de?ine site-ul de co­mer? online, parte a grupului Neogen, controlat de omul afaceri C?lin Fusu.

„În urma unei major?ri de capital social, Kolektiva va de?ine 40% din Zumzi SRL Târgu-Mure?, iar Neogen SA î?i va reduce partici­pa?ia de la peste 99% la 60%“, a declarat C?lin Fusu.

Grupul Kolek­tiva de?ine platforme locale de e-commerce în Ro­mânia, Ungaria, Croa?ia, Slovenia, Serbia, Mace­donia ?i Bulgaria.

În anul fiscal 2013, grupul a con­semnat venituri de aproximativ 20 de milioane de euro.

Zumzi este prezent în România, Repu­blica Moldova, Serbia ?i Bulgaria. Veniturile companiei au atins anul trecut 6 milioane de euro.

Directorul general al Neogen, C?lin Fusu, va conduce firma rezultat? în urma fuziunii.

Din ZF-ul de astazi, pe blog la Calin gasiti comunicatul de presa in engleza.

Deci si fuzioneaza, sunt numarul 1 si 2 in acest moment? Interesanta pozitionarea, „platforme de ecommerce” + veniturile Zumzi, 6 mil euro anul trecut, frumos.

The strategists

But when you meet a strategist you have the opposite reaction. You listen to them and wonder how could this person be so successful.
Now the strategists did not become successful selling themselves or building alliances, nor convincing others to buy their products, they made it by making one good decision after another. They don’t make sales calls, they hire others to do that. They basically just think hard. And that process, the introspection, the deep analysis, is impossible to see in another person. The instinct to choose the right members of their team, to go to the core of complex situations, to have a powerful vision of their product, to anticipate competitors moves, that is a process that is clear to them but opaque to the world. Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page belong to the second group. Highly intelligent, amazing analysts and builders, poor communicators.
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