„You. Will. Not. Fail.”

Whatever investors say, the truth is you win by having a great vision and have the right personal qualities to make it win. Intelligence, drive, curiosity, flexibility, salesmanship, doggedness, all are important qualities. You have to care that people like you, but at the same time, you’ll piss a lot of people off, and that can’t stop you. Most important, you have to be unable to visualize failure. There’s a lot of bullshit floating around these days how failure is good. It’s not good. If you’re the kind of person who people should invest in, failure should not be a possibility. Even if they fire you, you won’t leave. Even if there’s no money, you won’t quit. If you have to go to board meetings alone, so be it. You. Will. Not. Fail.


6 Comentarii
  1. Costin spune:

    Asta e la modul this.is.sparta, mai bun, oricum, decat orice pierdere de vreme pe la vreo conferinta care te invata despre „failure”.

  2. Dragos spune:

    Am crezut ca-l descrii pe Steve Jobs in primele paragrafe :))

  3. materazzi spune:

    @Dragos: si in ultimele pe fostul mare mogul.

  4. Bogdan spune:

    Well, hai sa facem un exercitiu de imaginatie: toti oamenii care incep ceva (start-up, proiect etc) REUSESC, AU SUCCES!

    Pe de alta parte, hai sa ne gandim cum „au avut succes” oamenii de stiinta/inventatorii etc. Ei bine, multi dintre ei au ajuns la anumite concluzii/descoperiri din greseli. S-au dus pe o cale, au gresit si au dat in altceva.

    Oricum, e stupid sa crezi ca cineva te poate invata cum sa sau cum sa nu gresesti!

  5. orlando spune:

    Bogdan, o duci la extrem, la fel cum a facut-o si Dave in articol.

  6. Bogdan spune:

    Pai cum sa fac altfel? Aplic acelasi rationament ca el, ca sa putem „discuta” de la egal la egal…

    Failure is good… sometimes.

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