Archive for mai, 2013

Top 50 aplicatii iOS

Apple a anuntat topul celor mai vandute 25 de aplicatii + topul celor mai downloadate 25 de aplicatii free, ambele „all time”, numarati cate din cele 50 aplicatii nu sunt jocuri :)


They are unstoppable.

Google is a content company, a software company, a hardware company and soon an access company. They are unstoppable.

De aici: Google’s Fiber Takeover Plan Expands: Will Kill Cable & Carriers

E simplu

Magento de la eBay + ERP de la Oracle = 1.5 milioane euro. Si cel putin un magazin online pe an.

Retailerul online de produse IT&C, operat de compania International Transactions & Services (IT&S) a investit 1,5 milioane de euro într-o platform? care îi permite s? lanseze noi magazine online proprii sau ale altor companii, care în prezent au opera?iuni „offline“, dar vor s? se extind? rapid ?i pe internet, potrivit Danei Iorga, directorul general al firmei.

Pentru a putea gestiona mai multe magazine online, inclusiv ale unor parteneri, IT&S a implementat platforma MultiStore, furnizat? de compania Magento – de?i­nut? de americanii de la eBay ?i care a fost integrat? cu solu?ia ERP Oracle E- Business Suite. Dup? aceast? investi?ie vom putea lansa cel pu?in câte un magazin on­line propriu pe an, afirm? Dana Iorga.

De aici.

Ca sa recapitulam, avem 3 4 5 marketplace-uri sau wanna be in acest moment:, si plus (thx Dragos) plus (thx Calin).

Romania iese din top 10 tari broadband

Conform ultimului raport publicat de Akamai, Romania a iesit din top 10 tari in functie de viteza medie de conectare la internet.

In ultimele rapoarte, .ro aparea cu o viteza medie undeva in jur de 7 Mbps, Finlanda, ultima tara din top 10, are 7.1 Mbps.

„What a stupid idea”

“I want to make an app for browsing catalogs. It’s like a fashion catalog, but you can organize and share outfits,” he said. He pulled out his iPhone and showed me a prototype that barely worked. The UI was decent but clunky; it had side-swiping navigation that only worked every few swipes. He showed me what seemed to be an endless series of women’s dresses. “Nice,” I said. But I had already dismissed the idea. How on Earth would this 20-something guy in Silicon Valley reach his target market of middle aged women? And would they even want such a thing? Did they even own iPhones? I think I asked a series of questions, but I don’t even remember the answers.

“What a stupid idea,” I thought to myself.

As we finished our coffees, I think he sensed my apathy, and we parted ways. But just before I walked away, he asked a question:

“What do you think about the name we’ve been using? It’s called Pinterest.”

The future is extremely hard to see through the lens of the present. It’s very easy to unconsciously dismiss the first versions of something as frivolous or useless. Or as stupid ideas.

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