Apple da in judecata HTC ca sa priceapa Google

So why did Apple sue HTC and not Google? Mr. Zittrain believes Apple is simply going after a less powerful company first, one with much smaller pockets than Google.
“It clearly involves some form of litigation strategy of picking off the weaker members of the herd first,” Mr Zittrain said. “They can always add Google to the suit later on.”

So why did Apple sue HTC and not Google? Mr. Zittrain believes Apple is simply going after a less powerful company first, one with much smaller pockets than Google.  “It clearly involves some form of litigation strategy of picking off the weaker members of the herd first,” Mr Zittrain said. “They can always add Google to the suit later on.”  de aici

2 Comentarii
  1. camil spune:

    Apple bate ?aua ca s? priceap? iapa. m? mir c? nu patenteaz? ?i litera „i”

  2. Dorian spune:

    Eu sper intr-un proces( a se citit tziganie) Apple-Google. Google va matura pe jos cu micii D-zei de la ferma de mere.

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