Doua stiri care au legatura cu televiziunile Pro

1. AT&T Discussed Idea of Takeover in Time Warner Meetings – Bloomberg

Acquiring Time Warner would give AT&T, one of the biggest providers of pay-TV and of wireless and home internet service in the U.S., a collection of popular programming to offer to subscribers, from HBO to NBA basketball to the Cartoon Network. AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson has been looking to add more content and original programming as part of his plan to transform the Dallas-based telecommunications company into a media and entertainment giant.

Context: TimeWarner este actionarul principal al CME-ului, actionarul din spatele Protv. Daca TimeWarner se vinde catre AT&T atunci, foarte probabil, AT&T va vinde actiunile pe care TW le are in CME pentru ca AT&T nu opereaza decat in SUA si Mexic, iar in planurile lor de dezvoltare Europa nu exista (focus pe India, China si America Latina).

2. Central European Media: Possible Acquisition Target – Seeking Alpha

Speculation in local media (subscription required) suggests Penta Investment is negotiating with CETV.

Penta already owns a net of local Czech newspapers and the second biggest newspaper publishing house in Slovakia, but it does not have any TV station. And that is its substantial weakness against its biggest local competitor J&T.

Therefore, I believe that Penta is interested in buying CETV.

Context: Daca CME vinde operatiunile din Cehia si Slovacia, renunta la 44% din business-ul sau, ramanand sa opereze pe pietele din Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia si Romania. E greu de crezut ca CME va continua sa opereze doar pe cele 4 piete si e foarte probabil ca va cauta exituri pentru televiziunile din cele 3/4 tari (probabil Croatia si Slovenia pot fi luate la pachet). Daca TimeWarner se vinde atunci managerii CME deja cauta solutii de exit.

De urmarit.

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