70 de secunde vs 25 de minute

Sau cum devenim de la o zi la alta mai superficiali. Sau mai selectivi. Alegeti voi.

In 2008 Jeff Zucker, CEO of NBC at the time, made famous a line about “broadcast dollars” becoming “digital pennies,” a quip that captures the phenomenon by which advertisers pay a fraction of traditional-media CPMs for the website version of the same content. A few years later Google chief economist Hal Varian wrote a post that touched on similar issues and their relationship to the newspaper business. In 2010, when he wrote it, he observed that while the Internet has been a boon to news consumption — more people read news, and more of us do so everyday — there’s one aspect of our news-reading that’s gone very much in the wrong direction: The amount of attention we pay to news when we read it online. We spend only 70 seconds per day reading news online; back when we got our news in a paper format, it was 25 minutes per day.

If we’re only fractionally engaged with online content, then, it’s logical that advertisers value online ads at pennies on the dollar.

Part of the explanation for our digital distractedness is the wealth — overabundance?! — of content choices online. But the more significant explanation, I think, is that digital content is inevitably archived and easily searchable. We graze and skim through content now because we know we can go back later, when we will have more time to actually pay attention. Tag it #longreads, push it to Instapaper, or leave open another tab in your browser. Then you can go back later and give it a really thorough read.

Intreg contextul, unul surprinzator, aici

2 Comentarii
  1. Bogdan spune:

    Foarte interesant. Ma mira insa ca nu intelege faptul ca aceasta cautare de a atrage atentia si a o mentine concentrata (pentru a vinde publicitate, in mare parte) este o cauza pierduta. Pur si simplu trebuie sa treaca la altceva, sa caute alte solutii. Altfel, aplicatii/site-uri/smecheriidetipSnapChat nu vor putea functiona la nesfarsit. De la 70 de secunde o sa trecem la 40 si dupa aceea la 25. Fix timpul necesar pentru a citi un tweet, in care el sa introduca publicitatea?

    Cred ca trebuie lucrat mai ales la „mergi tu putin in parc si cand revii sunt sigur ca o sa fii mai receptiv la reclamele mele”. Daca toti se apuca de „trick-uri” ca sa-mi capteze mie atentia, rezultatul va fi exact invers. Cum a fost cu reclamele/bannerele acum 10 ani, acum nici macar nu le mai vedem (cu sau fara AdBlock) sau nu mai reactionam in nici un fel. Ne sunt indiferente.

  2. orlando spune:

    Se intelege, deja cine trebuie a cam inteles

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