Archive for iulie, 2015

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Cat mai valoareaza contentul astazi, veniturile din digital ale celor de la NYTimes vs veniturile Google + Facebook:

$14 million. That’s the monthly digital ad revenue of The New York Times in the first quarter of this year. And, intriguingly, it’s the same number as the monthly digital ad revenue of The Huffington Post, newly part of Verizon. That number is open to a kaleidoscope of interpretations. Is it incredibly low, given the massive reach of both news organizations? Isn’t it interesting that the Times, with its core of 1,300 top-of-the-trade journalists, takes in the same amount of digital ad money that HuffPo does, relying on its army of 100,000 contributors from around the world — a number Arianna says she wants to grow to 1 million, in addition to its own full-time hundreds. What does that tell us about the advertising value of content? Compare that $14 million to Google’s monthly revenue of $5.7 billion and Facebook’s of $1.2 billion, and you can see the world as it now exists. A bonus number: Combined, Google and Facebook take in about 52 percent of all the nation’s digital advertising.

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Doua despre Grecia

1. Atitudinea. Aroganta. Esti dator vandut, ai nevoie de sustinere, iar atitudinea guvernului de la Atena fata de toti ceilalti europeni a fost aroganta la patrat.

2. Toate celelalte planuri de salvare a Greciei mai mult au ingropat-o. Grecia are nevoie de un alt plan de restructurare si o reducere/taiere a datoriei. Plata datoriei din cresterea economica pe 30-40-50 de ani (1-2 procente din crestere) ar putea fi o solutie. Doar cu taieri de costuri e greu.

Greek government debt, % of GDP
1980: 21%
1985: 43%
1990: 68%
1995: 93%
2000: 100%
2005: 98%
2010: 145%
2015: 172%


Cinci despre Apple Music

1. Costa 4.99 euro/luna in .ro, cam la jumatate fata de pretul anuntat in SUA.

2. Pentru mine, ca user de Rhapsody (de prin 2003 – 2004 si pana cand mi-au taiat accesul pentru ca si-au dat seama ca sunt din .ro) si de Spotify (de doi ani) este extrem de comod: platesc cu cardul meu (Spotify nu accepta card din .ro) + e mai ieftin decat Spotify avand cam acelasi library.

3. Cam omoara iPod-ul desi playerul de mp3 va ramane de baza in vacantele unde nu ai acces la wifi.

4. Astazi il testez sa vad cat de mult consuma bateria la un iPhone. Later update: Am ascultat aproape 4 ore cu 12% din baterie.

5. Setarea preferintelor e un pic ciudata, de fapt un pic mai mult.

Curs de programare Android + internship la

Cosmin a lansat zilele trecute MobileHub-ul si deja are primul curs de programare Android, pentru incepatori. Toate detaliile le gasiti aici, eu sumarizez mai jos + va mai spun ca 3 dintre cursanti vor putea beneficia, timp de 3 luni, de un internship platit la

Cui se adreseaza acest curs Android?

Persoanelor incepatoare
Persoanelor care vor sa-si imbunatateasca aptitudinile tehnice
Persoanelor care doresc sa faca bani din ideile pe care le au in zona de aplicatii mobile
Cursul nu se adreseaza persoanelor care stiu deja sa programeze

Ce vei obtine in urma cursului?

2 luni de programare si sedimentare in programarea pentru Android
Vei invata sa faci aplicatii de Android
Vei invata sa programezi in Java
Vei avea 7 aplicatii deja dezvoltate de tine pe care le poti folosi in CV-ul tau
3 cursanti vor primi cate un internship platit la
Spatiu de gazduire pe serverele noastre pentru a-ti pune visele in practica fara costuri suplimentare
Certificat de programator Android
BONUS: un pachet de grafica sa incerci singur sa-ti faci singur urmatoarele aplicatii

„Temporary problem”

During that process, AOL revealed that two suitors, earlier in the year, tried to buy The Huffington Post for $1 billion, or roughly four times what Jeff Bezos paid for The Washington Post two years ago. Plainly, to certain investors, digital media companies are valuable because they deliver enormous audiences. Any difficulty turning a profit — The Huffington Post broke even last year on $146 million in revenue, according to someone familiar with the site’s finances — is considered a temporary problem that will eventually be fixed by the sheer size of the readership.

De aici.