Cine are „patentul” mai mare?

In ultima perioada batalia dintre baietii destepti ai digitalului s-a mutat pe brevete, cine are mai multe, cine le incalca, de unde se pot scoate bani usor. O colectie de linkuri pe subiect mai jos, de mentionat doar ca in timp ce Google a inregistrat in cei 13 ani de activitate in jur de 700 de brevete, cei de la Microsoft au inregistrat acelasi numar doar in ultimele 4 luni :) Total brevete Microsoft = ~ 18,000!

1. Microsoft’s Android Shakedown – link

2. Six Winners Including Apple, Microsoft Pay $4.5 Billion For Nortel Patents – link

3. Patent fights could change Google’s Android pitch – link

4. Dealtalk: Google bid „pi” for Nortel patents and lost – link

5. Report: Microsoft Demanding $15 Per Android Handset From Samsung – link

6. App Developers Withdraw From U.S. As Patent Fears Reach ‘Tipping Point’ – link

7. Taiwan’s HTC shares tumble after Apple ruling – link

8. Bad News for Android: ITC Rules HTC Violated Two Apple Patents – link

Si o declaratie pe subiect de la Eric Schmidt:

We have seen an explosion of Android devices entering the market and, because of our successes, competitors are responding with lawsuits as they cannot respond through innovations. I’m not too worried about this.

3 Comentarii
  1. Marian spune:

    Si cu toate astea mai au de tras pana sa ajunga IBM.

  2. […] Marile companii se bat in brevete […]

  3. Adinel spune:

    „Batalia” e veche – vezi asta.

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